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Friday, October 25, 2013

Especially For My Sisters

Dare I say that these guys are shorter than me? It didn't matter, wandering through the Dwarf Garden, I was once again a child.  We all were playing together.  And it was wonderful.


Susan Lenz said...

Fabulous photos ... and looks like you had perfect weather for a wonderful day!
The last time I was in Salzburg I was pregnant with Alex. You were with Steve, Mathias, and me in the dwarf garden and we took pictures of Mathias who was shorter than all of the sculptures!

Wanda said...

At one time WE were shorter than all of the dwarves!!! It was awesome and yes, the weather was perfect. Oh, by the way, of COURSE I didn't cry or anything like that!!!!!


Ok, why did you decide to line up Dwarf photo #1 just so...I mean, does he have red balls? What's up with that? Why did I notice?


Beautiful. I haven't actually been there in a while...last time was with Stephanie, yes we forced her to get into the basket (she wanted to!) Once I went through the maze with my video camera..then I stumbled upon a bum and was grossed out because he had that pink TP coming out of his pants...kinda made me ill to think we TOTALLY DUG all up and around in that maze -through the hedges even- never thinking that there were people trying to sleep there (among other things)...and once I stepped on a slug because I was looking for someone and not looking down....but overall my memories of the entire area are GREAT! Wanda, did we ever go to that park there? It has a fantastic slide that's really tall...we must go (although it's no Alpine slide or anything!). It's the play park that is near to the river, lower side...I'm sure you know where because you are so good with directions!! Thanks for these, good memories! Beautiful fall leaves.